Women leave easily and return just as fast.
Men don't leave easily.
But once we leave,
We don't look back.
It's really over.

Girls who want to sleep with you might:
• Jokingly insult you
• Pretend to ignore you
• Outright tell you to leave
She's testing your masculine dominance.
Don't be discouraged by this behavior.

Destroy your scarcity mindset:
• No, she's not irreplaceable
• No, she's not a special unicorn
• No, you won't be lonely if she leaves
You can attract more girls than you think.

Check if your man is happy instead of always checking if he’s cheating

Check if your man is happy instead of always checking if he’s cheating

They Be WINNING Materialistically But Be Losing Their Souls! DON'T ENVY THE WICKED‼️

Bro to bro: Be private, accept the loneliness, and fix your life. No one is coming to save you.

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