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He Said What He Said
@HeSaidWhatHeSaid • 0 people like this

A Female Narcissist will lie to you, disrespect you, devalue you, cheat on you, give you the silent treatment, then accuse you of giving up on her and blame you for the breakup while running your name thru the mud.

Women are on their phones 24/7

She saw your text, she's not interested.

Every girl can offer you her looks & body, but not every girl can offer you peace, support, respect & loyalty.

Choose your lady wisely.

She represents you

She blocks you after every small argument but can't block random dudes messaging her because she doesn't want to be "mean".

Move on bro,

She is for the streets.

Women are the reason for most of the divorces and women are the main reason for single motherhood and for breaking up families. women are known quitters. women don’t stick to their word.
